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Ambrose Regulations





Mission Statement

Ambrose University prepares men and women for wise, joyful and redemptive engagement in the church, society and the created order through excellent Christian post-secondary education.

Educational Principles

Ambrose’s mission-related values (in italics) provide direction for our teaching and learning practices. Ambrose University follows five guiding principles by which we create learning opportunities for students.

  1. Christian Faith

    1. We integrate faith and learning and anchor our teaching and research within the Christian intellectual and spiritual tradition.
      1. We follow after God, and in so doing we pursue the true, the good, and the beautiful.
      2. We educate students for Christian formation, believing that scholarship is a means to wisdom, joy, and love.
    2. We believe that every person is created in the image of God and worthy of dignity and respect.
  2. Pursuing Excellence

    1. We provide high-quality education as well as co-curricular experiences that prepare students for their future lives and vocations.
      1. We foster learning environments that give students opportunities to:
        • improve their understanding of humanity and the world;
        • become creative and critical thinkers;
        • identify and solve significant problems;
        • communicate effectively in written, oral, and artistic forms;
        • situate their learning in diverse practical contexts (e.g., practica, internships, capstone courses, travel study);
        • grow in curiosity and develop a desire for lifelong learning.
      2. Within the breadth of the liberal arts tradition, undergraduate students acquire competence in one particular scholarly or professional discipline.
      3. Seminary students acquire competence in theological disciplines, personal formation, and vocational effectiveness for redemptive action in the world.
    2. We pursue excellence in all that we do. Our efforts evidence love, wisdom, thoughtfulness, knowledge, scholarship, and skill.
      1. We pursue excellence in teaching, scholarship, and artistic expression.
      2. We embrace academic freedom to uphold honesty, integrity, and intellectual independence in the pursuit of truth.
    3. We are accountable to the Government of Alberta, our accrediting bodies, and our founding denominations. We also recognize our obligation to provide students with the learning environment set forth in the Academic Calendar.
      1. We are in good accountability relationships with our stakeholders.
  3. Holistic Formation

    1. We create intentional, holistic, formational, experiences in and out of the classroom.
      1. We help students to discern their vocation.
      2. We nurture the development of the whole person: intellectual, creative, relational, physical, and spiritual.
      3. We foster character formation and the development of Christian virtue.
    2. We model lifelong perseverance in intellectual and spiritual formation.
      1. We remain committed to growing intellectually within the scholarly community at Ambrose and within the scholarly communities of our academic and professional disciplines.
      2. We remain committed to growing spiritually within the Christian community at Ambrose and within the Christian communities of our church congregations.
  4. Service

    1. We commit to shaping servant leaders who will honour Christ in their vocations.
      1. We prepare students to pursue redemptive engagement in the church, society, and the created order.
      2. We foster a commitment to active and engaged citizenship both locally and globally.
    2. We shape culture through our scholarship, research, and artistic expression.
      1. We pursue partnerships with other organizations: ecclesiastical professional, educational, or community based.
      2. We work to bridge theory and practice and to provide opportunity for students to serve others humbly and compassionately in Christ’s name.
  5. Community

    1. We collaborate to foster a welcoming, hospitable, generous, just, and truthtelling community that strives to fulfill the university’s mission.
      1. We are committed to learning in community.
        • We create safe campus environments that value healthy relationships between students, faculty, and staff.
      2. We are a vibrant and diverse academic and spiritual community.
        • We welcome students from all walks of life, and do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
      3. We promote the health and wellness of our community members.
      4. We celebrate the flourishing of diversity, and in the face of systemic injustice, we affirm that in Christ there is hope for redemptive change and reconciliation.
        • We work to recognize and repent of systemic injustice so we can adjust behaviours and systems to promote healing, justice, and reconciliation.
        • We listen to, learn from, and support those who are marginalized and suffer injustice.


Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) Policy

Ambrose University is committed to safeguarding the personal information entrusted to us. We manage your personal information in accordance with Alberta’s Personal Information Projection Act and other applicable laws. This information forms part of a student’s record.

Information collected is used to determine eligibility for admission and financial assistance, to advise students about academic programs and to provide university services.

The student record is disclosed to academic and administrative units. Specific information is disclosed to the federal and provincial governments and external accrediting bodies to meet reporting requirements.

Students are required to inform Ambrose of changes in personal information, including contact information, name, citizenship, etc. Students can change their legal/primary name, address, phone number of alternative email address through their portal. Legal name or citizenship/immigration status changes must be supported with acceptable documentation.


Student Community Life Standards Policy

By registering with Ambrose, you are also expected to be familiar with and follow the Student Community Life Standards policy and procedures describe the behavioural expectations for all students, the sanctions that can be placed on a student, along with the appeal process. Students who accept the invitation to join the distinctly Christian academic community at Ambrose are expected to be familiar with and follow these standards. Each student must accept these responsibilities in order to remain part of the Ambrose community.


Gender-based and Sexual Violence Response and Awareness Policy

Ambrose takes gender-based and sexual violence seriously. The Gender-based and Sexual Violence policy and procedure establish the processes by which Ambrose will respond to allegations of gender-based and sexual violence. Students who have experienced violence will find support.



Ambrose relies on the Canadian Copyright Act (and especially its fair dealing provisions) to govern decisions with respect to copyright. The Ambrose Library continues to monitor developments in Canadian copyright legislation and will update the Ambrose Library’s copyright pages to incorporate any changes.

The best way to understand the implications of Canadian copyright law for teaching and learning at Ambrose is to review Ambrose’s Fair Copying Guidelines. These guidelines are for the education of the Ambrose community and should not be construed as legal advice.

We will update these pages as new developments occur. Any copyright-related questions or concerns should be directed to the Copyright Officer.


Communication Policies

Check Your Email

Your Ambrose email account is the University’s primary and official mode of communication with you. All Ambrose students are provided with a MyAmbrose email address. Official notifications and communications from Ambrose will only be sent to your MyAmbrose address. Students are responsible for ensuring their MyAmbrose email address is set up prior to the start of their first term at Ambrose and are accountable for reading messages sent to their MyAmbrose email account, or delivered through their student portal, on a regular basis to ensure important information is not missed. Ambrose University is not responsible for your failure to receive important information delivered to your Ambrose email.


Let Us Know if You Change Personal Information

You must notify the Registrar immediately of any changes to personal information including changes in address, name or citizenship. If you wish to change either your surname or given name you must provide proof of an official name change in the form of legal documentation. Ambrose University is not responsible for incorrect mailing, missed deadlines or failure to receive information when these incidents are due to your failure to report a change of personal information.