Financial Examinations
Assessments and Examinations
All final examinations (except modular and spring semester courses) must be scheduled by the Office of the Registrar except in the case of take-home examinations, oral examinations, or term projects. Modular or alternative courses offering final examinations are scheduled by the instructor.
Take-home examinations must start on or after the first day of final exams and not extend beyond the last day of final exams. Instructors must provide a minimum 72-hour time for completion.
All other in-person assessments must be scheduled within regular class time. In-person assessments may not be held on non-instructional days (e.g. fall or winter breaks) or after the last day of classes, as indicated in the academic schedule, except in those special cases where prior approval has been obtained from the Dean of the faculty member offering the course.
In the final 14 calendar days of class, instructors should not carry out examinations (or assessments that could reasonably be interpreted as a replacement) that total more than 15% of the final grade, except in the case of laboratory or oral testing, presentations, or summative projects/papers.
Scheduling of Final Examinations
The dates for Final Examinations are noted in the Academic Schedule. Students and instructors must be available for examinations up to the last day of the examination period. You are advised not to make travel plans outside of Calgary before the end of the Final Examination Period. The Examinations Timetable for Fall and Winter semesters will be published mid-September and mid-January. Final examinations must be taken at the time specified in the official Examinations Timetable.
Re-scheduling Examinations
If you need to write a final examination at a time other than the scheduled final examination, and you meet the criteria below, you must file a Revised Final Exam Request form with the Registrar’s Office. This date is noted in the Academic Schedule.
Such a request will normally only be considered in one of the following circumstances:
- The scheduled final examination slot conflicts with another examination; or
- The scheduled final examination slot results in three consecutive examination periods.
Travel plans will not be considered an appropriate reason to request a revised final examination.
If you miss a final examination due to unforeseen circumstances, you must apply for a deferred final examination within 48 hours of the missed examination. If you are prevented from writing a final examination by illness or other extreme circumstances, you must apply to the Office of the Registrar for an alternate examination timeslot. Individual examinations are scheduled by the Registrar. All requests for deferral of a final examination due to health reasons must be accompanied by a letter from a physician.
Late applications for a re-scheduled examination due to examination time slot conflicts will be accepted.
Final Examination Papers
After grading, all final examination papers will be retained for a period of six months after the release of official grades. During this time, you may request to see your final examination for educational purposes. You will not, however, be permitted to remove or copy your examination papers. After six months, all final examination papers, as well as any unclaimed assignments, will be destroyed.