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Additional Campus Services





Ambrose University is located at 150 Ambrose Circle SW, on the west side of Calgary near Ernest Manning High School, Westside Recreation Centre and the 69th Street West LRT Station.




Register your vehicle and get your student parking pass.




Get your locker on campus.




Store your bike safely on campus.



  Ambrose University is
a smoke-free campus



  • campus Services (1)

Before obtaining ID Cards, keys or services from Campus Services, students must obtain a copy of their financial report, which must contain the initials of an Ambrose Finance official.


Identification Cards

Your Ambrose ID Card can be obtained at Reception/Campus Services after you have paid your semester fees. The Ambrose ID Card is proof that you are a student at Ambrose and is your ticket to student discounts!  It's your Security Card, giving ALL students access to campus from 7 am - 11 pm, and giving Residence students access to Residence 24/7.  As well, your ID Card can be loaded with money at Finance (minimum $10 per transaction) for Food Services and Printing/Photocopying.  Replacement Ambrose ID Cards can be obtained at Campus Services/Reception for $20 (pay at Finance).


Scan to Email

A photocopier in the library is available for student use with the capabilities to scan and email documents at no cost to students.


Printing Charges

The photocopier in the Library isavailable for students’ printing needs. Students may place funds on their Ambrose ID Card at Finance.  A minimum $10 deposit per transaction is required. Printing charges will automatically be deducted from the deposited amount. Students will not be able to print if the balance on their account is insufficient to cover the print job. Refunds will not be given for pages printed by mistake.


Room Bookings

Students can book campus rooms by emailing


U-Pass for Calgary Transit

Ambrose University is currently not part of the U-Pass program.

Some students (those who qualify) can apply for low monthly income transit passes. Information on this Calgary Transit program can be found at:

An application form can be printed from that page.  Students can apply one time per year at Calgary Transit Customer Service Centre, 224 - 7th Ave SW,  and then purchase a low monthly income pass.


Residence Room Keys

Residence students will each receive a Residence Room Key from Campus Services/Reception during the move in period.  Replacement Residence Room Keys can be obtained at Campus Services/Reception for $20 (pay at Finance).


Locker Rental

Students may rent lockers from Campus Services.  Lockers are available on a first come, first serve basis.

Lockers are located in the following areas in the main Academic Building: Upper Classroom area (outside Room A2210), Upper Link area (near entrance to Music Wing and Seminary Commons), gym change rooms, and Music Wing. There are also lockers in the Res. Ed. Building, Lower Level 2, for Theatre and Dance. Please indicate preferences on campus services registration form.

Rates are as follows:

  • Half Lockers $40/Semester or $60/Year;
  • 3/4 Lockers $50/Semester or $75/Year.


There are bicycle racks located outside the gym, cafeteria and residence. A covered bike storage unit is also available; please reserve a spot by filling out a bike storage form.


Care of Campus Property

Supporters have generously provided funds to supply the facilities present on campus. Student tuition fees do not go toward providing buildings. Staff, faculty and students are asked to work together to maintain these facilities, using the accommodations, furnishings and equipment in a manner that will maintain and protect them.

Each student should assist in maintaining a tidy and clean campus. Rather than leaving the tasks of picking up litter and cleaning the washrooms only to cleaning staff, each student should do what needs to be done when a need is observed.

The Campus will be strict concerning misuse or damage of property resulting from negligence, carelessness or a deliberate disregard of rules. Those responsible will be subject to the full cost of the repair or replacement of damaged property.

Campus property (furniture, equipment etc.) may not be moved from its designated place for any reason without proper authorization from the Campus Services Office.


Use of Campus Equipment

Students are not permitted to use campus equipment for personal needs. This includes such items as faculty/staff computers, office equipment, office phones, vehicles, paper, supplies, etc. Staff members are instructed to not use campus equipment (especially faculty/staff computers and printers) on behalf of a student who may wish to hire their services.


Bulletin Boards

Bulletin Boards are located throughout our campus.  Please contact the Student Life Administrative Assistant ( or 403.410.2925), to distribute or post any signs or promotional material on the Ambrose Campus.


Student Lounges

The main student lounges in the Link area are for relaxation, discussion, and entertainment for both residence students and non-residence students.


Air Quality

Air quality can lead to many health issues. 

Issues pertaining to air quality should be reported to Campus Services.


It is a serious offence to tamper with the fire prevention equipment. This equipment is for the protection of all students and improper use could result in prosecution.

General Procedure in case of fire:

  2. Fire Marshalls, Faculty and student leaders are to notify everyone on their floor, including those in the Reception area. If possible, call 911.
  3. As you leave the building, do so calmly, closing all doors and turning off electrical power.
  4. No one may remain in the building even if it is known that it is only a drill. Have other students/staff present help you check all rooms to ensure everyone has heard the alarm and is able to get out.
  5. Evacuate the building as soon as possible by the nearest available exit. Alternate exit routes should be kept in mind.
  6. Stay out of the building until the alarm has been shut off and permission has been given to return by the staff member in charge.
  7. Students should become familiar with the locations of exits, fire alarms and extinguishers. Only trained individuals should operate fire–fighting equipment.
  8. Periodic fire drills will be held. Treat every fire alarm seriously and proceed on the assumption that an actual fire is in progress.