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Ambrose Seminary Programs of Study


Mission Statement

Ambrose Seminary prepares Christians to serve and lead the church in its mission in the world. With this statement, Ambrose Seminary affirms that:

The mission of the church, which is the mission of God, is to bear witness everywhere and in every aspect of life to the new creation of all things in Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit. That mission extends from the local church into homes, workplaces and public spaces throughout the world;

Ambrose Seminary prepares Christians for ministry in the evangelical tradition, at the post-baccalaureate level, and in partnership with The Alliance Canada. The Seminary prepares students to serve and lead in keeping with their calling to live a godly life and to exercise the gifts and abilities that they have been granted by God.  Most graduates of the Seminary will go on to serve in a variety of pastoral, teaching and leadership roles in Canada and around the world. With equal enthusiasm, the Seminary educates and trains people for lay ministry, which is essential to the mission of God in and through the church;

Ambrose Seminary prepares Christians through an integration of spiritual, intellectual and ministerial formation. Such preparation includes education and training in a variety of disciplines: biblical interpretation, theological reflection, evangelism, discipleship, leadership, preaching, teaching, counselling and cross cultural communication. The Seminary realizes that the theological education it offers must undergo continual refinement so that students receive context-sensitive ministerial training and are enabled to become lifelong learners.


Program Outcomes

At Ambrose Seminary, we seek to integrate learning experience around four key goals.  We will:

1. Nurture theological depth and breadth

To know what you believe and why it matters

Ambrose Seminary provides our students with an education rooted in the depth of our evangelical heritage and steeped in the breadth of Christian tradition.  We deeply desire that our students leave Ambrose able to interpret the Bible and all God’s revelation faithfully and to reflect theologically on all that touches on faith and life.

2. Cultivate a heart after God

To know God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and to love as God loved

Ambrose Seminary imparts to our students a vision of the Triune God and models a Spirit-filled life of abiding and abounding in God.  We deeply desire that our students leave Ambrose centered in a life of communion with God and love of neighbour.

3. Foster vocational clarity and effectiveness

To know who you are and what you are to do

Ambrose Seminary helps our students discern and engage their vocation in the uniqueness of their gifts, heart-desires, and personality. We deeply desire that our students leave Ambrose empowered to serve effectively in the place where their deep joy and the world’s deep need meet.

4. Inspire redemptive action

To know God’s mission and to live it fully

Ambrose Seminary challenges students to see and celebrate how God is at work and equips them for reflective engagement in that work. We deeply desire that our students leave Ambrose Seminary ready to engage whole-heartedly wherever God leads them.

The Ambrose Seminary Mission Statement and Program Outcomes specify how the mission statement of Ambrose University is contextualized for the seminary.


Theological Studies in Chinese

Theological Studies in Chinese (TSC) at Ambrose Seminary provide a context for study that imitates the tri-lingual character of the Canadian Chinese church. A fusion of Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) and English language courses are offered. The curriculum recognizes the importance of ministry to the second generation. 

TSC is offered in collaboration with the Canadian Chinese Alliance Churches Association and emphasizes the deeper Christian life and the mission of the church to the world. 

Professors have strong academic training. Courses where the Chinese pastoral context is important are offered in Mandarin. Tutoring is available for English language courses so that Chinese students are able to flourish in all courses. The library has over 4,000 volumes in Chinese.

The MDiv, MLM and MCS degree programs are offered. The Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies and the Graduate Certificate in Leadership are also available.


Seminary Degree and Diploma Programs

Master of Divinity
Chinese Language version available
90 credits

Master in Leadership and Ministry
Chinese Language version available
Online version available
60 credits

Master in Intercultural Ministries
Online version available
60 credits

Master of Christian Studies
Chinese Language version available
60 credits

Master of Theological Studies
60 credits

Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies
Chinese Language version available
30 credits

Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies
15 credits

Graduate Certificate in Intercultural Studies
21 credits

Graduate Certificate in Leadership
15 credits

Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Care
21 credits