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Colin Toffelmire, PhD



Professor, Old Testament
Chair, School of Ministry
Phone number
(403) 407-9481
Email Address


Dr. Toffelmire’s research is diverse but focuses especially on the prophetic literature of the Old Testament, on hermeneutics and interpretive method, on genre theory and form criticism, and on the contemporary application/reception of biblical texts. His first book is a linguistic analysis of the book of Joel, and he has recently co-edited a collection of papers entitled Theodicy and Hope in the Book of the Twelve. His most recent publications include a co-authored article on biblical and theological argument regarding ecclesial responses to poverty, and journal articles exploring genre questions in the Book of the Twelve (Minor Prophets). He is currently working on a commentary on the prophetic book of Ezekiel for Zondervan’s Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament series. He is an accredited worker with the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada. Dr. Toffelmire is an avid cook, and a collector of handmade Japanese kitchen knives.


PhD (McMaster University)
MA (Ambrose Seminary)
BTh (Canadian Bible College)

Signature Courses

REL 315 - Hermeneutics
REL 212 - Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament
REL 377 - Theology and Popular Culture
REL 405 - Biblical Theology

Select Publications

“Stylizing the Day: Linguistic Register and Poetic Language in Ezekiel 13 and 30:1-19” in Performance, Voicing, and Metaphor in Poetic Prophecy, ed. Beth M. Stovell, Elizabeth Hayes, Carol Dempesy. LHBOTS. Sheffield, T&T Clark, forthcoming.
“Cohesion and Genre Blending in Prophetic Literature, Using Amos 5 as a Case Study,” JHebS., 2022
The Voice and Person of the Prophet in Joel (and the Twelve),” Catholic Biblical Quarterly., 2022
“Human Flourishing and a Theology of Poverty Alleviation,” in International Journal of Public Theology. Co-authored with Beth Stovell and Nikayla Reize., 2021