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Charles Cook, PhD


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Professor, Global Studies and Mission
Director, Jaffray Centre for Global Initiatives
Phone number
(403) 407-9504
Email Address


I am a global soul, born in Canada but raised in Latin America and now wander the globe (intentionally) doing “kingdom stuff”.  Born to C&MA international workers, I grew up in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and worked in Bolivia, Mexico and Argentina.  I have been involved in establishing communities of faith in a variety of places around the world.  On returning to Canada I assumed the role of Professor of Global Studies and Mission at Ambrose University. When not teaching I enjoy leaving Calgary for various corners of the globe to explore, research, minister, and learn. My hobby is creating NGOs (Not for Profit Organizations) that seek to address issues affecting the global community.

Current Research

New Models for Mission: Creating a New Missiological Resource for the Canadian Church. A research project sponsored by the EFC.

Church Mission: What the 21st Century Canadian Churches say About Mission.  A research project generated in conjunction with the EFC.


PhD (Trinity International University)
MDiv (Ambrose Seminary)
BTh (Ambrose University)

Select Publications

“onSite Study Abroad: A Non-formal Experience Oriented Model for Intercultural Missions Training,” in Missions Practice in the
“Hacia un Ministerio de Misiones de corto Plazo.” In Misiones de Corto Plazo en America Latina: Reflexiones y Perspectiva. Ed
“Short-term Missions and the Law: Lessons from Canada,” In Effective Engagement in Short-term Missions: Doing it Right! Edite