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Beth Stovell, PhD



Professor, Old Testament
Chair, General Theological Studies
Phone number
(403) 407-9458
Email Address


I specialize in Biblical Hebrew poetry, Biblical hermeneutics, the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament, the use of Biblical metaphors, particularly in Prophetic Literature (esp. Isaiah, Ezekiel, and the Minor Prophets) and in John’s Gospel, John’s Letters, and Revelation. I care about bridging the gap between the academy and the Church. I have worked in ministry for over 25 years and currently work with my husband, Jon, as theological consultants and sit on the national team for Vineyard Canada, my denomination. In my free time, I enjoy writing stories, exploring new music, singing and playing piano, going for hikes and camping in the mountains, and creating food that is an “adventure.” I am married to Jon Stovell, and we have three creative and inspiring kids.

Current Research

Beth is currently writing commentaries on the Minor Prophets (Zondervan Academic), Ezekiel (Baker Academic), Hosea (Wipf and Stock) and John’s Gospel (Baker Academic). She is also working on books on Johannine theology, Biblical metaphor, and a Biblical Theology of suffering and hope. She has published The Book of the Twelve (Co-written with David Fuller) and Biblical Hermeneutics: Five Views (Co-edited with Stanley E. Porter).

Articles and Book Chapters

“Close Reading: I Find Comfort in the Divine Warrior,” Christianity Today (May/June 2023).

“Taxonomic Theology: An Interdisciplinary Approach to a Biblical and Biological Theology of Naming.” Co-written by Matthew Morris. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 74:4 (December 2022): 194–211. DOI: https//

“Human Flourishing and a Theology of Poverty Alleviation.” Co-written by Colin Toffelmire and Nikayla Reize. The International Journal of Public Theology 15.2 (2021): 177-96.

“A Hippo, A Big Fish, and A Nook Who Can’t Cook: Using Children’s Literature to Enhance Biblical Pedagogy.” Didaktikos: Journal of Theological Education 4:3 (February 2021): 34-37.

“Moving from ‘Them’ to ‘Us’: A Biblical Theology for Diaspora Ministry” in Beyond Hospitality: Migration, Multiculturalism and the Church. Edited by Charles Cook, Lauren Goldbeck and LoraJoy Tira-Dimangondayao. Toronto, Ontario: Tyndale Academic Press, 2020.

“Son of God as Anointed One? Johannine Davidic Christology and Second Temple Messianism,” in Reading the Gospel of John's Christology as a Form of Jewish Messianism. Edited by Gabriele Boccaccini and Benjamin Reynolds. Pages 149-177. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity Series. Leiden: Brill, 2018.

“Repairing the Cracks: Translating Isaiah’s Call for True Worship into Reconciliation Efforts Today” in Faith Today (September/October 2018): 45-47.

“‘Look and Live’: Numbers 21 and John 3” in Bible Study Magazine Volume 10 Issue 4 (May/June 2018).

“The Painful Drama of Being Born Again: What If We Took Jesus’ Famous Metaphor More Seriously?” in Christianity Today (November 2017).

“Oned and Grounded in Love: Julian of Norwich and the Johannine God of Love.” Didaskalia (Summer 2016): 1-28.

“Ezekiel 34:16: God Feeds His Sheep with Justice.” and “Haggai 1:9: Running to Our Own Houses.” Devotions on the Hebrew Bible. Edited by Lee Fields, Milton Eng, and Verlyn Verbrugge. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2015.


PhD (McMaster Divinity College)
MCS (Regent College)
BA (University of Texas)

Signature Courses

OT 502 Pentateuch
BT 633 A Biblical Theology of Suffering and Hope
BT 634 Jesus and the Old Testament

Select Publications

Theodicy and Hope in the Book of the Twelve. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies. New York: T&T Clark Bloomsbury, forthcoming 2021 (Co-edited with George Athas, Daniel Timmer, and Colin Toffelmire).
Making Sense of Motherhood: Biblical and Theological Perspectives. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2016.
Mapping Metaphorical Discourse in the Fourth Gospel: John’s Eternal King. Linguistic Biblical Studies 5. Leiden: Brill, 2012.