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Virtual Public Lecture: Who Needs a Pastor?: The Pastoral Vocation Today: Dr. Gordon T. Smith

Thursday, March 16, 2023
6:30 P.M. MDT

With the strong and right affirmation of the sacred character of all vocations, we rightly raise the question: What then of the pastoral calling? What is its character and purpose? We particularly need to ask this in the context of what it means to be the church in an increasingly secular social context. 

Gordon T Smith is the president of Ambrose University and Seminary where he also serves as professor of systematic and spiritual theology – a post he has held since the summer of 2012. He is the author of a number of publications, including the more recent Welcome Holy Spirit:  A Theological and Experiential Introduction (IVPress, 2021) and Your Calling Here and Now:  Making Sense of Vocation (IVPress, 2022). He is an ordained minister with the Christian & Missionary Alliance. Gordon is married to Joella and together they have two grown sons.

