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Ambrose Faculty Study Exposes Seafood Mislabeling in Calgary

Dr. Matthew Morris, Associate Professor of Biology, has recently published research in the journal PeerJ Life and Environment addressing the issue of seafood mislabeling in Calgary, Alberta. As the lead author, Dr. Morris collaborated with Ambrose University alumna Morgan Kwan and researchers from the University of Calgary and Mount Royal University. The study, conducted between 2014 and 2020, analyzed 109 invertebrate and 347 finfish products, revealing that approximately one in five seafood items is mislabeled, with mislabeling rates of 20.2% for invertebrates and 21.3% for finfish.

Three Words That Define the Ambrose Seminary Experience

In a fun activity with our Seminary students, we asked them to describe their experience in Ambrose Seminary in just three words. Whether in their first semester or their last the responses concluded our students' journeys are nothing short of transformative.

From ‘rigorous’ to ‘life changing’, their answers highlighted the profound impact Ambrose Seminary has on students personal and spiritual lives while advancing their academic journey.

However, the answers didn’t stop at three words. We asked our students:

What drew you to Seminary studies?

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