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Board Announcement: Reappointment of Rev. Dr. Gordon T. Smith as President


Tuesday, November 30, 2021
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    Gordon T Smith

I am pleased to announce that the Board of Governors of Ambrose University has voted to reappoint Rev. Dr. Gordon T. Smith for a four-year term as President. In response, Dr. Smith and his wife, Joella, have prayerfully and graciously accepted this call to further service at Ambrose

Dr. Smith has been a highly effective leader over the past nine years, guiding the University to new levels of academic strength, global impact and faithfulness to the call of Christ. During the Board’s deliberations, it was noted that he:

  • Thoughtfully synthesizes the interests of many competing and diverse constituents, including the founding denominations, the Alberta government, local churches and pastors, and the academic community.
  • Keenly navigates the needs of a liberal arts university that includes professional programs, as well as an embedded graduate theological seminary.
  • Places a high priority on keeping Ambrose relevant to the lives of its constituents, both academically and spiritually.
  • Diligently informs and updates the Board of Governors; there are no surprises or secrets.
  • Leads with tenacity during difficult times, as evidenced by Ambrose’s resilience throughout the tumultuous pandemic.
  • Skillfully balances a future strategic vision with contemporary realities.
  • Enthusiastically supports the unique place Ambrose holds within both Christian post-secondary education and the preparation of ministry leaders.
  • Places high importance on reclaiming from political partisanship the heritage of Evangelicalism, working to redefine and elevate our legacy in these times.
  • Continues to effectively expand Ambrose’s donor base and fundraising capacity.

As the current Chair of the Board of Governors, I can confidently say that under Dr. Smith’s continuing leadership the future of Ambrose University shines bright.

Debi Mills
Chair, Board of Governors